Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine that works to balance any disharmony between the mind and body. This is done by inserting fine needles in specific acupuncture points throughout the body to stimulate the flow of qi (vital energy), improve blood circulation, and enhance the body’s healing ability. Acupuncture dates back thousands of years. The reason for its longevity is simple; it’s safe, effective, and holistic.
Acupuncture treatment is without any medication.
Acupuncture treatment is without any medication and can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine, to improve the health and over-all well-being of the patient. This makes it one of most popular alternative treatments used alongside conventional medicine. Lastly, this safe and effective option is beneficial to children, adults, and elderly patients.
Acupuncture is widely used to treat many different conditions, ranging from acute conditions like back sprain to chronic conditions like fibromyalgia. In recent years it has also gained popularity in the treatment of female reproductive disorders in conjunction with modern medicine.
This treatment has become a very powerful component in addiction recovery programs. Today, acupuncture is offered at many leading hospitals for pain management, and to control side effects and symptoms associated with cancer treatments.
We offer scalp acupuncture along with traditional acupuncture treatment at our clinic.