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What are Autism spectrum disorders?

This is a developmental disorder involving behavior and communication. This is a developmental disorder affecting communication and social interaction. This spectrum is diagnosed at any age but is seen usually around the age of two years.
Autism is considered a spectrum disorder as there is a great variation in the types and severity of symptom. American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all children should be screened for Autism. This lifelong disorder has shown improvement with treatment and services.

Can homeopathic medicines be used for the treatment of Autism Spectrum disorders?

The use of homeopathy for autism treatment is a global phenomenon

of. Homeopathy is one of the complementary systems of medicine which has a holistic approach and uses individualized treatments. The treatment involves in detail case taking, which includes details about family history, pregnancy, individual symptoms and characteristics leading to the final selection of the medicine. Homeopathic medicine not only focusses on autism spectrum disorder but also addresses any other underlaying health issues.

Homeopathy and Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Guide for Practitioners and Families by Mike Andrews.

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River Oaks Clinic

19 Briar Hollow Lane, Suite 135, Houston,

TX 77027
Contact us : 713.621.3185
(Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday)


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Brenham Clinic

2618 TX-36, Brenham,

TX 77833
Contact us: (979) 830-9111
(Monday 10-1pm)


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