Geriatric disorders are the illnesses commonly affecting elderly patients. Arthritis, dizziness, imbalance, mental health conditions, kidney and bladder problems are some of the conditions affecting senior citizens.
What are Geriatric Disorders?
Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Chinese Herbal medicines and geriatric disorders
Acupuncture, homeopathy and Chinese Herbal medicines are used in treating some of the geriatric disorders like acupuncture for arthritis, imbalance, Chinese herbal medicine for retention of urine and osteoarthritis, and homeopathic medicines for dizziness and retention of urine.
List of geriatric disorders alt therapies center can help with
Following are some of the geriatric disorders treated using acupuncture, homeopathy or traditional Chinese medicine.
Arthritis, dizziness, Imbalance, incontinence of urine, retention of urine, mental health disorders.